Othello, WA
(119.167222, 46.823611)
It is located in Eastern Washington, in the Columbia Basin.
General Admission is REQUIRED to attend lectures, tours, events, and other activities at the Festival. Save time now & buy your general admission tickets by using the registration link.
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2025 Sandhill Crane Festival Art Contest
Grade categories:
2nd grade & under 3-5 grade 6-8 grade 9-12 grade Adult
Mixed Media/Other
Only one entry per media, three entries per person.
Only original work created within the last year, created entirely by the artist. No kits.
1) The Festival reserves the right to photograph exhibited art for publicity purposes.
2) All art must remain on exhibition throughout the designated show schedule.
3) The Festival reserves the right to reject pieces that are too fragile or oversized.
4) The Festival cannot assume responsibility for loss or damage during the exhibition.
5) The Festival retains the right to cancel the show.
6) Artwork must feature Sandhill Cranes, nature scenes, other birds, plants and animals native to the Columbia Basin area.
7) Artwork MUST be 9”x12” or smaller for 3rd-5th grade and 2nd grade & under groups.
Entry Forms:
Complete a form for each piece of artwork entered.
Questions: The Old Hotel Art Gallery at (509) 488-5936 or theoldhotel@outlook.com.
Delivery & Pick up:
Entries may be hand-delivered to The Old Hotel Art Gallery, 33E Larch, Othello between March 1-19, 2024. Hours of operation are Tuesdays through Saturdays from 10am to 5pm. Out-of-town entries will be accepted by mail: The Old Hotel Art Gallery, 33 E. Larch St. Othello, WA 99344 or hand delivered. The artist will collect all artwork no later than 3pm, Saturday, March 25th, unless prior arrangements are made.
Everyone: certificate & entry ticket.
First place: ribbon and a prize from the Sandhill Crane Festival.
Second and third place: ribbon.
The district does not sponsor or endorse this event and the district assumes no responsibility for it. In consideration of the privilege to distribute materials, the Othello School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including cost, attorney’s fees and judgments or awards.
El districto no patrocina ni avala este evento y el distrito no assume ninguna responsabilidad por ello. Teniendo en cuenta el privilegio de deistribuir materiales, el distrito escolar de Othello se celebraran inofensivo de cualquier causa de accion presentado en cualquier corte o tribunal administrativo derivados de la distribucion de estos materiales, incluyendo los costos, honorarios d4e abogado